Friday, July 1, 2016


I know. I promised a track plan long time ago. But like that small cut of cars, it's coming slowly and steady. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

A quick definition

Industrial spurs can vary greatly in length and railcar capacity depending on the requirements of the customer the spur is serving.

In heavily industrialized areas, it is not uncommon for one industrial spur to have multiple sidings to several different customers.

Typically, spurs are serviced by local trains responsible for collecting small numbers of railcars and delivering them to a larger yard, where these railcars are sorted and dispatched in larger trains with other cars destined to similar locations.

Because industrial spurs generally have less capacity and traffic than a mainline, they tend to have lower maintenance and singling standards, thus making them appealing to model.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Modelling philosophy

I like switching railcars. Whether we are talking the real thing or simply models on a layout, I get a rush out of drilling cars into their proper order and spotting-up industries. Given a choice, I will take a switch-heavy job over a road job any day. 

Of course, some industries are more interesting to shift than others.

I'm hoping to post a track plan soon, showing off my interest.